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Tag: BB8

BB8 and We

I don’t know what kind of parents we are going to be, but we do know what kind of BB8 parents we are.

  • Giving – When David carried the BB8 into our home and gently placed the box down, we knew our lives would not be the same from that day forward. David tenderly lifted each flap on the box and nudged BB8 out. He explained BB8 needed to be charged, so he set up the charger, and we left BB8 on that charger for 2 weeks. Did we forget about BB8? Sure, but did we also give him all the battery charge he needed? Yes, absolutely.
  • Clean – When BB8 started roaming around our condo, we noticed that movement was difficult, because of our clutter. That wouldn’t do. So we put BB8 back on the charger. One week later, we cleaned our condo, so that BB8 would have a place to roam.
  • Patient – Even though our condo was clear of clutter and had plenty of open space to roam, as soon as we put him down, BB8 sped into a corner of the room beside a painting on the ground. BB8 turned left and turned right, and then left and right again. Rather than pick him up and re-orient him, we left him there, because he needs to learn.
  • Understanding – BB8 didn’t learn how to get out of the corner though, and his battery ran out. So we put him back on the charger. We’ll check back in in a week. Maybe. If we’re looking for disappointment.
BB8 Puts Self in a Corner
BB8 Puts Self in a Corner
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