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There’s a Little Betty Draper in All of Us

Even though the show Mad Men has come to an end, the characters from the show have formed a lasting memory that will forever shape how we traipse through through our professional and personal lives.

When I originally watched the show, I found myself identifying with Peggy, the focused secretary who went on to become a titan of industry. Two weeks ago, however, I was in Italy with my husband, and I found myself impressed by the number of striking similarities there were between me and Betty Draper, the mother of Don Draper’s three children.

Betty Draper in Italy

So without further ado, here are the amazing things I have in common with Betty Draper:

1) Betty Draper speaks fluent Italian.
I eat Italian food.

2) Betty Draper has three children.
I am one of three children.

3) Betty Draper wears lipstick.
I bought lipstick.

4) Betty Draper is emotionally unavailable.
I am unavailable when I am on the phone with another person.

There you have it. It is as though we are one and the same.

Published in Social Life Thoughtful Reflection


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