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Hello 2010. Hello.

Happy New Year!

Some amazing things have already happened this year, so let me fill you in, via music video, of course.

In addition to having a great time (thank you Andrea!), I learned many important things on the West coast.

1. People in Pacific time zone don’t get their own New Year’s countdowns – they watch repeats of East coast countdowns. Upon realizing this, I felt embarrassed for them.

2. If you are looking for pearls in oyster shells, you must choose fat, round oyster shells.

3. Divine Delights is the most aptly named pastry company, ever. Their petit fours are amazing, and I have already ordered their catalog so I can order them next holiday season.

awkward haircut photoSince we’ve returned from California, I vowed to get a makeover – a whole new look. After doing some research, I learned a makeover costs $500.

So, then, I vowed to get a haircut: it was 90% cheaper than getting a makeover. Here is a picture – notice the layers and change of length. The new cut also brings out my strongest facial features, which were previously overshadowed by my longer hair length. Nice, yes?

Published in Compelling Video Social Life Thoughtful Reflection


  1. me! me!

    I love the animoto thing! good job! it’s so awesome and well done and i love the music. thanks!

  2. I am so happy I made it into your mix. What a cute way to present your holiday experience. 🙂

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